FREE (yes, free!) public records and more for better and safer dating in Florida & beyond.

Date Inspector

Get more "check-it-now" public records links from InspectaDate along with selected dating news and tips shares from us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Is your date plunking down campaign contributions to candidates for president or Congress?

InspectaDate has a myriad of online resources to help you look before you love, but sometimes your friends are the best case crackers.

All that glitters on the dating scene is not gold. Some players in the dating game have scary pasts, and some people you meet could be dangerous to you.

Here's a heads-up on what's coming up tomorrow and next week on

Tomorrow, learn about five crucial free criminal background checks that should be on every Florida dater's radar. Also coming in the week ahead are an exclusive InspectaDate video on dangerous date warning signs, plus posts from the dating frontier by InspectaDate blogger Courtney Furiosi and a resource for seeing whether your date is giving big bucks to political candidates for U.S. president and Congress.

Welcome, newcomers, to InspectaDate! And, to those of you who have been visiting, thanks and welcome back!

You've found the place for free public records, research and dating safety tips, and other resources to help you play a smarter, safer and better dating game.

Thanks for inspecting! Glad you stopped by.

Valentine's Day time is a joyous time for many daters. But reminders abound at this time of year about the darker side of dating.

Dating or InspectaDating?
Good advice to follow from Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine: "Research someone you meet online; don't rely only on what that person tells you. Perform Internet searches and consider getting a background check."

Here's a roundup of stories that spotlight dangers and key safety issues.

Valentine’s Day is a lot of pressure for a made-up holiday.


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