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Date Inspector

Online dating scams do not discriminate by national borders or age.

This blog wasn't active when the Pew Research Center rolled out its latest study last year on online dating and relationships, so I'm posting it for reference now and later.

Nice blend of personal experiences and stats in this trend piece on online dating from Andrea Behling of GazetteXtra in Wisconson.

Interesting insights from Janesville resident Katherine Eagan, who has seen the best and worst of online dating during her 20 years of using online dating sites, and from a university professor who has watched attitudes about online dating change over the years. From the story:

This story
from Rebecca Roberts of Fox 2 Now in St. Louis describes how a St. Louis County woman's dinner date with a man she met online got weird, dangerous, and led to a man's arrest.

The story doesn't mention the name of the online dating website that brought the woman and man together, but the video of the story indicates it was

Here's more from the story:


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