FREE (yes, free!) public records and more for better and safer dating in Florida & beyond.

Date Inspector

If you have a new love interest in Miami-Dade County, you might want to know if a child support case is along for the ride.

Here's three valuable free date checks to know if you are dating someone from Miami-Dade County.

All three were posted on the new Florida-focused DateInspectorFL on Twitter this week from Click on the links before the images or on the images themselves to get inspecting.

Everyone who claims to be a doctor, nurse, EMT or other health care pro may not be what they claim to be.

The Catfish show on MTV is intriguing to watch. But being catfished isn't fun for victims who fell hook, line and sinker.

The AdultFriendFinder online adult dating web site has been hacked, exposing personal information of up to 4 million users.

Reports Geoff White of Channel 4 news in London:

You can use this site from the Brevard County Clerk of Courts office to also search for deeds, mortgages, IRS tax liens, notices of foreclosure and more filings.


Women wanted James Charlton Davis III. So do the cops.

WFTS Tampa Bay reports that Polk County authorites want Davis in connection with a series of sweetheart scams. Notes the story:

Social media can have a biting down side.

The Pensacola News Journal and correpondent Kalyn Wofe spotlight author Elizabeth Denham's lessons from five years of online dating in her book "Sweeten the Deal: How to Spot and Avoid the big Red Flags in Online Dating."


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