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See if your date is involved in a child support case in Miami-Dade

If you have a new love interest in Miami-Dade County, you might want to know if a child support case is along for the ride.

This free check from the Miami-Dade County Clerk of Courts can alert you to an ongoing child support case and the other person who is involved with it. To get more details, such as the amounts and the child or children involved, you'll need to go to the Miami-Dade courthouse and pull the file.

Here's the link to the child support search. Note that this is the same site you can use to check on divorce filings, foreclosures and other lawsuits involving your date in Miami-Dade. To limit your search to a specific type of filing, use the "case type" pulldown as shown below. A click on the image below will take you to a search page.