InspectaDate assembles many of the best date inspecting public records resources available in Florida by county, including this statewide resource featured in the image above that can reveal if your date is a convicted felon on supervised probation in Florida.
Just 15 minutes with these InspectaDate pages can zoom your dating game to a better place!
Great information about your date is only great when it's within reach, and InspectaDate brings it to your fingertips.
√ recent arrests
√ criminal history
√ traffic offenses
√ businesses
√ marriages
√ divorces
√ child support
√ alimony
√ property
√ foreclosures
√ lawsuits
√ and more!
Florida offers many FREE public records resources that can help you make smarter and better-informed dating decisions. We've assembled lists of useful links by county so that you can do a comprehensive inspection of your Florida date in one place. Important statewide checks are also included. Online resources vary from county to county. You won't find every government link here for a particular county, just the better ones to help you gain insights about your date. And here's some tips on getting started with any date inspection.
InspectaDate will be adding new resources to these pages periodically. Is the state, a county, or city offering a helpful new database on individuals? How about a new way to research property owners? Let us know and we'll grow the county lists together.
See InspectaDate now! for a broader list of resources.