Take your dating game to a better level today in Florida and beyond with FREE public records resources, research tips, safety insights and more from InspectaDate.
Date to win now in Florida and beyond with FREE resources from InspectaDate!
The dating world is full of playas and fakers.
But that doesn't mean you have to get played! Welcome to InspectaDate, where you can learn to more effectively look before you love using FREE public records and other resources.
The average sweetheart scam costs the victim at least $5,500 and even more in heartache, the National Consumers League says.
This site isn't about finding a date. It's about helping you to inspect a date (or potential date) you've found. It's about helping you to play the smartest, safest, and best dating game that you can.
And it's about helping you to avoid heartaches and find more happiness.
Just one bad relationship can wreck a life – or other lives, particularly if you have children. Whether you date online or off, people can – and do – misrepresent who they are, what they do or what they are all about. Some people have criminal intentions to drain your money or to hurt you. Several of the growing number of 3,000-plus online dating web sites offer safety tips. Some urge you to do your own research on prospective love interests.
InspectaDate shows you how.
Using the power of public records and other free resources, you can learn to more effectively look before you love. As this site unfolds (and please note this site is a work in progress!), InspectaDate will offer online links and tips on how to discreetly check out criminal history, marriage and relationship status, finances, property holdings and much more.
In many instances, within minutes, you'll be able to truth-check what someone says about themselves and help answer a HUGE question: Should I trust this person? However, while this site can guide you to some really cool and potentially useful sites (often with the same public records relied upon by police, prosecutors, private investigators and reporters), InspectaDate does not control any of them or the reliability of their content.
In most cases, learning more about your love interest will cost only a few minutes at your computer. We'll guide you to free sites that could be worthwhile and offer pros and cons about the resources. This site spotlights national research sources of interest, along with state and local sites focused foremost on Florida. Aside from details on doing your own research, you'll find dating safety tips along with news about sweetheart scams, relationships and dating trends on The Date Inspector Blog.
Half (54 percent) of online daters have felt that somone else seriously misrepresented themselves in their profile, the Pew Research Center says.
InspectaDate is a free public service, and it's up to you whether you opt to hire a private investiagor or pay for backgrounding online. Regardless, keep in mind that criminal background checks are one snapshot in time. They show things that people were accused, convicted or caught doing as of when you did the checking. And they don't begin to cover what people tell you about being married, divorced or involved. About where they say they live. About how they portray their finances (assets, alimiony, child support, etc.) and about whether they have the job they claim to have. Truth checking is essential, and InspectaDate may offer some tips and news you can use.
But know that an acceptable apparent background doesn't make someone a good person, jerk-proof or a fitting match for you. No one is perfect, and only you can decide whether someone deserves your time and energy. But the more informed you are, the better dating choices you stand to make. Stay alert, and listen to your instincts.
Do keep us posted on your success stories from using this site, and feel free to pass along tips that we can share that might help others.
Happy inspecting!
Joe Adams
InspectaDate Founder