Explore marital status, property ownership and values, and other property details from databases of Florida property appraiser offices. Some, like this one in Hillsborough County, provide aerial pictures of property by GIS.
Inspect a date's property holdings and values in Florida counties
Each Florida county has a property appraiser’s office that determines the value of land for tax purposes. Better yet, they typically offer searchable online databases of property that can help you quickly gain more skinny about holdings of individuals, married couples and companies.
Typical ways to search include property address and name. Details on these records often include the names (husband and wife) on the appraisal, square footage of the property, value of the property for tax purposes and recent sales information.
This page from InspectaDate gives you the ability to tap directly to the search pages where possible. In some cases, you’ll have to look for the property search in the left column or elsewhere at the top of the page. Some property appraiser sites may require that you agree to a disclaimer before you search. Site offerings will vary. Some enable you to see an aerial picture and/or a map of how the property fits in with those surrounding it.
These searchable databases are popular because they’re easy to use. But keep in mind that they list the last contact of record for tax purposes. Counties vary on how frequently they update the values and sales information. The property appraiser's offices themselves have the latest information. Note that some sites link directly to related property deeds recorded at the county circuit court clerk’s office. The clerk’s office – not the property appraiser – is the official holder of property ownership in Florida. Still, these records are great for quickly researching property and people.