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Date Inspector

UK dating expert James Preece offers a Christmas present of 10 dating tips for X-mas-obsessed singles.

Among them: invite other single friends to a festive feast, accept every holiday party invite, and make a date with charity.

Check out Preece's complete list.

Where does your name rank among the hottest "swipe right" choices?

The Grade, a professed "female friendly dating" app, generates some fun rankings based on its analysis of swipes to the right. The top-ranking female names on The Grade's list are Brianna, Erika and Lexi. For guys: Brett, Tyler and Corey.

And the list goes on, along with insights on popular nicknames. Is your name on the A-list?


See if your date spent time in the Pasco County Jail at least as far back as 2006.

The Florida Keys are a popular tourist destination — and a popular place to get arrested.

Useful tips here from the Better Business Bureau on spotting fake profiles and dating danger signs on Tinder.

Thoughtful overview piece here from The New York Times on how sweetheart scammers target older women on dating websites for success.

See if your date was arrested and spent time recently in the Collier County Jail.

Did your date really get divorced in Orange County? Is a foreclosure or a child support case in the picture?

Waiting too late in life to get married increases the chances of divorce once the knot is tied.

A new study by University of Utah sociologist Nicholas Wolfinger indicates that the odds of divorce for people past the age of 32 or so increase by 5 percent a year at the age of marriage.


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