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Date Inspector

State consumer affairs offices are increasingly focused on online dating scams as victim numbers and miseries rise.

Old scams sometimes find new life with online dating.

Stealing pin numbers of credit and bank cards is nothing new. But two Canadian men recently introduced dozens of gay male victims to the rip-off technique in a stealing spree throughout western Canada, CBC News reports.

Just one physically or emotionally abusive relationship can devastate your life or the lives of your family members.

American daters are sure to find some commonalities with their European counterparts in this recent overseas study of online dating.

Use of online dating services and mobile dating apps has surged since 2013, the latest study from the Pew Research Center indicates.

The Daytona 500 is a big-deal national event, and it's especially memorable for rowdy event goers who got arrested.

Date smarter by doing your homework on someone early on. But you won't get the whole picture from the web, or even by talking to your date's friends or family.

To gain more intimate details of someone’s life, and to determine chemistry, you’ll have to get to know the person — usually in person. 


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