FREE (yes, free!) public records and more for better and safer dating in Florida & beyond.

Date Inspector

There's a whole lotta scamming a happening in dating land. So what's new?

Many passionate politics followers give money to statewide candidates for governor, legislature and other Florida statewide offices. Is your date among them?

Inspect more InspectaDate with shared posts on Facebook!

Get more dating scam news, relationship and online dating tips, and other cool content on top of the date inspecting insights provided here. Like us now to get started!

Las Vegas is known as the weddings capital of the world. Did your date add to that rep?

Welcome to a valuable tool for your date inspecting toolbox.

Use this database from the U.S. Department of Justice to search for sex offenders nationwide. Keep in mind that the information here is located within the states and posting jurisdictions, not the federal government. Detals typically include a mug shot along with an age and the offender's address.

The recent horrific slaying of a Seattle mom is a chilling reminder of how online dating — and dating in general — can turn deadly.

Is your date passionate about supporting local political candidates in Jacksonville and Duval County?

Does your date from Orlando have a criminal history in Orange County?

Check on misdemeanor and felony convictions back to 1990 along with traffic offenses recorded by the Orange County Circuit Court Clerk's Office. Actual images of documents may be available online for some cases since 2009.

Did your date or someone you know make too much of a splash in Key West or the Florida Keys during spring break? Check now.

Three online dating experts peg the most common lies in online dating profiles for this ATTN: story by Laura Donovan.

Topping their list: marital status.


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