FREE (yes, free!) public records and more for better and safer dating in Florida & beyond.

Date Inspector

Even with more than 3,000 online dating web sites around, seems like there's always room for new approaches.

The Western Daily Press from England reports that new website Chvalry Not Dead bans women from making the first move in the dating game. Says the story:

See if you date really does command that hefty title with the City of Jacksonville — or if he or she works there at all.

Are you dating a deadbeat parent or someone who is ducking alimony payments in Pinellas County?

Online sweetheart scam victims in Australia explain how they got bamboozled, but the stories, warnings and tips resonate for online daters everywhere.

See if your date spent time in the Charlotte County Jail as far back as 1999.

Have you encountered Mr. Self Importance in the online dating game? How about Mr. Adult Baby?

Did your date spend time as a guest in the Polk County Jail "hotel?"

Online dating has its share of scammers, deceivers and playas, but this sweet success story from Nashville is a reminder of how happy endings can and do happen.


Local government in Miami-Dade County has more than 40,000 employees. Is your date really one of them?


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