Is your date a deadbeat parent or AWOL on alimony in Pinellas County? Check now!
Submitted by Joe Adams on July 6th, 2015.
Are you dating a deadbeat parent or someone who is ducking alimony payments in Pinellas County?
Find out with this FREE child support and alimony case check in Pinellas County from the Pinellas County Circuit Court Clerk's Office. This specialty search can help you get a better grip on your date's financial obligations and ties with previous significant others. It can also help you truth-check claims about having no child support or alimony in play in Pinellas County, or if someone really has been making payments as claimed. Among the details provided:
- Names of the parties
- Addresses of the parties, even if they live out of state
- Obligation and frequency of payments
- Debts owed
- Date and amounts of most recent payments
If you want to find out more details about the names of children or the alimony agreement itself, you can go to the Pinellas County Clerk of Court's Office and view the related files.
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