FREE (yes, free!) public records and more for better and safer dating in Florida & beyond.

Date Inspector

Gainesville is the single most single adult city in America.

That's the word in this piece from Hunter Schwarz of the Washington Post about how there are more single adults than married ones in America for the first time.


Pinellas County has 24 incorporated cities, including St. Pete, Pinellas Park, Clearwater and Oldsmar.


Going glam for online dating profile pictures yields mixed results when it comes to attractiveness and trustworthiness, University of Connecticut researchers found.

Maybe your date really does own that swanky crib in Palm Beach County. But why guess?

Date inspect full tilt by following The Date Inspector and InspectaDate on Google+, Twitter and Facebook!

The goal with all these platforms is to help you play a better, safer and wiser game online and off in Florida and elsewhere using FREE resources.

Your date who lives in Brooksville, Weeki Wachee or who used to live there or elsewhere in Hernando County may be wanted for more than a nice smile.

Explore the database from the Hernando County Sheriff's Office to find out.

A scammer who claimed to be a soldier in Afghanistan turned an online dating experience into a nightmare for a North Carolina woman.

Online dating fraudsters who pose as a doctor or a lawyer are bad medicine for victims.


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