FREE (yes, free!) public records and more for better and safer dating in Florida & beyond.

Date Inspector

Be the playa slaya this Valentine's Day – and every day!

InspectaDate puts you in the driver's seat for doing your own research about your date in Florida and beyond – discreetly and for free.

Did your date from Melbourne, Cocoa Beach, Titusville or Cape Canaveral get married in Brevard County?

Inspect for yourself back to 1981 using this Brevard County Circuit Court Clerk's Office database. Also check out deeds for property, mortgages, notices of foreclosure, debts and more. Select from the "document type" pulldown to narrow your seach results.

Catch links to all content here plus other content shares on relationships, scams, dating safety and more by following InspectaDate on Twitter and Facebook.

A "show me the money" request signals big danger in online dating.

WTVD-TV in Raleigh-Durham reports that a widow on a 50s-and-older online dating web site lost thousands from a sweetheart scammer who claimed to working in the Ukraine and needed money. And local authorities say she isn't the first victim.

If your date lives in Sarasota County in the Sunshine State, consider checking out this site from time to time.

Find out if someone really got divorced in Miami-Dade County as claimed.

This search from the Miami-Dade County Circuit Court Clerk's Office can help you find out the answer plus much more.

When did the divorce happen? Who sued to split up? Were children involved in the divorce? The database can help you find those answers going back to the 1970s.

Some people who date online never encounter sweetheart scammers. Some people meet one right away.

That's what happened to two Central Ohio women, reports Kevin Landers of TV10 in Columbus, Ohio.

More public libraries across the nation should do this.

The Licking County Public Library main branch in Newark, Ohio, is hosting a free Online Dating 101 workshop on February 12.

Reports the Newark Advocate:

Is your date wanted
for more than good looks?


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