FREE (yes, free!) public records and more for better and safer dating in Florida & beyond.

Date Inspector

Click here or on the image to check for arrests and jail bookings with the Lee County Sheriff's Office.

Is your date a deadbeat parent or alimony payer
in Brevard County?

Sweatheart scam-related news from the United States and elsewhere last week, some of which was posted by InspectaDate on Twitter and Facebook:

A Maine con man who scammed victims through online dating, social media and recovery groups will do prison time, the BoothBay Register reports.

Make it your business to prove the business claims of your date in Florida.

Is your date on the Alachua County wanted list for being a deadbeat parent? Find out now.

Congrats to the Alachua County Sheriff's Office for offering the rare opportunity among Florida counties for this kind of specialized search.

Maybe your date really is
a licensed doctor, dentist, nurse, EMT, pharmacist or massage therapist in Florida. Or maybe not.

Or maybe the person's license has expired or has been suspended or revoked.

Quickly find out by searching this Florida Department of Health license verification database for health care pros.

Just about everyone knows the FBI has a most wanted list. But varieties of the agency's most desired criminals are broader than you might realize.

Just one abusive relationship can be a disaster for you and others in your family.

"I've seen too many cases where someone's life took a wrong turn beause of a violent relationship," Schlax said. "In many instances the warning signals were there but weren't recognized until it was too late."

Learn to spot the warning signs of a dangerous date in this exclusive video from


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