Confirm titles and check salaries of public employees with Miami-Dade County government
Local government in Miami-Dade County has more than 40,000 employees. Is your date really one of them?
Employ this info from the Miami-Dade County local government to find out along with how much someone is making in salary.
You can search by first and last name, department, minimum and maximum salary and the year of interest, including the current one.
Details provided include the person's first and last name, with a middle initial in some cases, along with the person's title, gross last pay check amount and year-to-date gross income. For annual income figures, use the year pulldown menu that dates back to 2011. The pulldown is a good way to confirm whether someone really did work for the local county government at some point.
The departments range from animal services to public works and transit, and also included are employees with various constitutional offices, such as the Miami-Dade Clerk of Courts Office and county property appraiser and state attorney.
- Joe Adams's blog
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