FREE (yes, free!) public records and more for better and safer dating in Florida & beyond.

Date Inspector

San Antonio heads the list of major cities safest for online dating. However, the picture isn't as sunny for Orlando and three other large Sunshine State cities.

Seeing these moves from a significant other or a possible candidate could signal heartaches ahead.

Nice list here from Gloria Florio with that includes these gems: They say they forgive but never let you forget what you've done and they know your weaknesses but use them against you.

An Oklahoma woman who fell for a "United Nations" poser through the online dating site Zoosk is out $100,000, authorities say.

Got habits to repel the dates you want to attract?

Help yourself spot them with these toxic partner signs from Emily Glover of Among the signs: You never accept blame and it's your way or the highway.

See if your date really is packing a license to be a Florida security guard, private investigator or firearms instructor.

Dating expert James Michael Sama offers 10 things a good man will never do to a love interest in a relationship.

Leading off his list: A good man will never pick apart your looks.

These tips from Love2Date Singles can help you stay in the love hunt with a pet lover even if animals aren't your thing.

Dating Someone With Pets When You're Not An Animal Lover

What's to do when you encounter one dating scam after another on dating apps?

Start a Twitter account called "App Scammers" dedicated to posting plays from the posers.

Running your Florida date's name through the local county jail database on occasion is one of the best date inspections you can do.

Why? Because these databases typically hold the latest arrest information. Plus, a criminal background check you did last week won't include the arrests your date logged later.


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