Jacksonville lawyer Julie Agent Schlax, a former state prosecutor in Jacksonville, shares seven signs that you could be dealing with a potentially dangerous and abusive date in this exclusive video for InspectaDate.com.
Trouble alert: Key tips for spotting and avoiding dangerous dates and potential abusers
Just one physically or emotionally abusive relationship can devastate your life or the lives of your family members.
"I've seen too many cases where someone's life took a wrong turn because of a violent relationship. In many instances, the warning signals were there but weren't recognized until it was too late."
— Julie Agent Schlax, Jacksonville lawyer and former state prosecutor
On average, 20 people a minute in the United States are physically abused by an intimate partner, which equates to 10 million women and men a year, reports the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And the CDC adds that 2 million women are raped each year and 7 million women and men are stalked annually. In another take, the Huffington Post in 2014 reported that nearly double the women were murdered from domestic violence than the number of American troops killed in Afghanistan and Iraq between 2001 and 2012, 11,766 to 6,488.
As important as it is to effectively background and truth-check you date, public records or other checks may not detect violent or abusive tendences. But you can. Learn to spot key signs of a dangerous or abusive date with this exclusive video from InspectaDate.com.
Julie Agent Schlax, partner in the ESA Law Group and former prosecutor and director of the special assault unit in the State Attorney's Office in Jacksonville, Florida, offers seven warning signs that indicate you may be headed for an abusive relationship.
The signs include talk downs by your love interest about friends and family, substance abuse and pronouncements that "everyone is out to get me." Catch the video for more Julie tips and insights.
The goal is to sidestep problems before they can develop, or to exit a bad relationship before damage is done.
Here are some additional outstanding tips on spotting emotional abuse from dating coach Nancy Nichols, who points out that "If you’ve never been involved with a cunning, pathological lying, narcissistic, abusive partner, you may not know what you’re dealing with."
Some of Nancy's 10 emotional abuse examples include punishment by holding back information and attention, disparaging humor and "accidently" forgetting things that are important to you.
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