Could you, a friend or a relative be dating someone with a criminal past in Florida like this one? Check and see tomorrow on InspectaDate.
Coming tomorrow: 5 essential FREE criminal background searches for inspecting your Florida date
Here's a heads-up on what's coming up tomorrow and next week on
Tomorrow, learn about five crucial free criminal background checks that should be on every Florida dater's radar. Also coming in the week ahead are an exclusive InspectaDate video on dangerous date warning signs, plus posts from the dating frontier by InspectaDate blogger Courtney Furiosi and a resource for seeing whether your date is giving big bucks to political candidates for U.S. president and Congress.
Also, be sure to follow InspectaDate on Facebook and Twitter (Florida oriented and national) for more inspect-your-date-now links and additional shared news specials that will not be posted on The Date Inspector Blog. What kind of stuff could that be? Here's an example from the Florida-heavy InspectaDate Twitter postings:
And from InspectaDate on Facebook:
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