FREE (yes, free!) public records and more for better and safer dating in Florida & beyond.


Find out if your date has been pulling building permits and doing related work. Note that you can search by address. See more ways to inspect a date in Miami-Dade County and beyond.

Miami-Dade County in South Florida includes Miami, Miami Beach, Hialeah, Coral Gables and Miami Gardens.

Miami-Dade County in South Florida includes Miami, Miami Beach, Hialeah, Coral Gables and Miami Gardens. Thanks to the Miami-Dade County Clerk of Courts for providing this public information online. These records are not searchable....

Miami-Dade County in South Florida includes Miami, Miami Beach, Hialeah, Coral Gables and Miami Gardens. Thanks to the Miami-Dade County Clerk of Courts for providing this public information online....

Miami-Dade County in South Florida includes Miami, Miami Beach, Hialeah, Coral Gables and Miami Gardens. Thanks to the Miami-Dade County Clerk of Courts for providing this public information online. Click on the "public search" beside the magnifying glass to get started. Then select...

Miami-Dade County in South Florida includes Miami, Miami Beach, Hialeah, Coral Gables and Miami Gardens. Thanks to the Miami-Dade County Clerk of Courts for providing this public information online. Click here to get started or on the image below. ...

Miami-Dade County in South Florida includes Miami, Miami Beach, Hialeah, Coral Gables and Miami Gardens. Thanks to the Miami-Dade County Clerk of Courts for providing this public information online. ...

Miami-Dade County in South Florida includes Miami, Miami Beach, Hialeah, Coral Gables and Miami Gardens. Thanks to the Miami-Dade County Clerk of Courts for providing this public information online. Narrow your searches by using the "case types" pull-down menu. ...

Miami-Dade County in South Florida includes Miami, Miami Beach, Hialeah, Coral Gables and Miami Gardens. Thanks to the Miami-Dade County Clerk of Courts for providing this public information online. Search for all cases at once or use the "case type" pull-down menu to narrow your results...

Miami-Dade County in South Florida includes Miami, Miami Beach, Hialeah, Coral Gables and Miami Gardens. Thanks to the Miami-Dade County Clerk of Courts for providing this public information online. To narrow your search, try the child support options in the "case type" drop-...


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