FREE (yes, free!) public records and more for better and safer dating in Florida & beyond.

This free check from the Florida Department of Corrections can help you answer important questions within minutes about your date's background.

Dating or InspectaDating? Did your date forget to mention being a convicted felon on supervised probation in Florida? Find out now

A criminal conviction can have lingering strings attached. Is your date on supervised probation in Florida?

Thousands of convicted felons are on supervised probation in the Sunshine State. Check out the Florida Department of Corrections database to see if your love interest is among them. You can search the free database by name, and a picture is normally available. Details typically provided include:

  • Full name
  • Known aliases
  • Age
  • Offense or offenses committed
  • Date of offense or offenses in play
  • Supervision begin and end dates
  • Current location or whether the person is a fugitive

The database does not include people who are under county supervision for misdemeanors. Here's more to know about the database from the fine print on the Florida Department of Corrections web site:

The Florida Department of Corrections updates this information regularly, to ensure that it is complete and accurate, however this information can change quickly. Therefore, the information on this site may not reflect the true current location, status, scheduled termination date, or other information regarding an offender.
This database contains public record information on felony offenders sentenced to the Department of Corrections. This information includes offenders sentenced or released to state supervision or offenders received for supervision from another state as the result of an Interstate Compact transfer. Information contained herein includes current supervision offenses. Offense types include related crimes such as attempts, conspiracies and solicitations to commit crimes. Information on offenders sentenced to county jail, county probation, or any other form of supervision is not contained. The information is derived from court records provided to the Department of Corrections and is made available as a public service to interested citizens. The Department of Corrections makes no guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Any person who believes information provided is not accurate may contact the Department of Corrections. 
For questions and comments, you may contact the Department of Corrections, Bureau of Probation and Parole Field Services, at (850) 717-3444 or This information is made available to the public and law enforcement in the interest of public safety.