Is your date really a licensed architect, veterinarian or accountant in Florida? Check now!
Is your date lying like a dog to you about being a veterinarian or designing a house of lies about being an architect in Florida?
Verify licenses for vets, architects, accountants, real estate agents, cosmetologists and more now from the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. The department also covers a wide variety of other professionals, from construction company owners to geologists and electrical contractors.
You can get details on the person's full name, license type, license number, main address and whether the license is active, expried or in good standing. And, most importantly, you can see whether there is a license at all. In some cases, you can learn if the person is an intern or came from another state.
Licensing of professionals in Florida is scattered among different authorities. For instance, to verify whether someone is a doctor, nurse or other health care professional, check with the Florida Department of Health. Confirm if someone is really a lawyer through the Florida Bar.
- Joe Adams's blog
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