FREE (yes, free!) public records and more for better and safer dating in Florida & beyond.

Search Bay County arrests and jail inmates

Bay County in the Florida Panhandle includes Panama City, Mexico Beach and Panama City Beach. Thanks to the Bay County Sheriff's Office for making this public information available online. Click here or on the image below to get started. See more ways to inspect a date in Bay County and beyond.

Date to win with InspectaDate!

Is your date a fake or possibly a danger to you? Use the power of FREE public records to check backgrounds and truth-check claims now with resource links assembled by InspectaDate creator Joe Adams, public information expert and Florida private investigator license holder. And there's more to come!

  Getting started
√  Key ways to inspect a date in all Florida counties
√  Quick national criminal checks
  Florida county jail bookings, local arrests, most wanted, more
  Florida checks for weddings, divorces, foreclosures, courts and more
  Florida property checks for owners, taxes
  Florida property checks for owners, values

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