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Zoosk's top food words for a winning online dating recipe

Foods that draw the most positive responses in online dating profiles are guacomole, potatoes and chocolate. But leave yams out of it.

That's one of the insights that Zoosk gleaned from analyzing 3.7 million dating profiles and 364.6 million first messages of its users to see how mentioning different foods influenced daters' romantic reactions.

Zoosk users who mentioned guacomole, potatoes and chocolate drew more inbound messages than other users. People who spoke of yams and fried chicken got far fewer messages. Here's another interesting finding from the review: Foodies are sexy.

Other than simply talking about food, mentioning that you’re a foodie or talking about cooking will also result in more incoming messages. Profiles that contain the word foodie receive 82% more incoming messages, while those who mention the word cook receive 26% more incoming messages.

But mentioning burritos, fried chicken and pizza will more likely turn others off and result in fewer responses. Who knew food was so influential?

Check out the Zoosk results for more interesting findings, including the different takes of men and women about fast food vs. restaurants.